От Chestnut
К All
Дата 01.09.2008 15:34:26
Рубрики WWII; Современность; Спецслужбы;

Военные некрологи в британских газетах

Group Captain Jim Mitchell
Canadian wartime bomber pilot who later led the longest mercy flight in the RCAF's history.

Alex McKie
RAF navigator who hunted the Tirpitz while serving with the Dam Busters

Lord Elliott
Legal authority in Scottish land matters who as an officer during the war had escaped from his German captors in Italy.

Commander Douglas Hunt
Naval officer who landed agents in Holland from his MTB and engaged enemy forces in the English Channel.

Nicholas Wide
Officer who engaged the enemy with high-explosive shells while his driverless tank careered towards a railway cutting.

Carl Aschan
Wartime intelligence officer who served Britain in his native Sweden and helped to hunt down leading Nazis.

Commodore Sam Dunlop
Commander of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary who played a vital role in supplying British troops during the Falklands campaign of 1982

Gino Birindelli
Italian naval officer who was a pioneer in the wartime use of ‘human torpedoes’ and later served with Nato in the Mediterranean

Ну и касательные к сабжу

Yuri Nosenko
KGB intelligence officer whose sudden defection to the West was initially viewed with suspicion

Iosif Dragan: Romanian oil mogul
Fascist sympathiser who in exile made a fortune from Romanian oil

Wolfgang Vogel
East German lawyer, and confidant of top politicians, who brokered prisoner exchange deals between East and West

"Бій відлунав. Жовто-сині знамена затріпотіли на станції знов"

От Llandaff
К Chestnut (01.09.2008 15:34:26)
Дата 01.09.2008 15:48:24

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