>Carrier Alliance, "CVF FR" design for PA2, French variant of CVF Delta, June 2005
>Displacement: 64,500 tonnes full load
>2 propeller shafts, each with 2 x Alstom 15-phase electric induction motors (rated at 20MW each at 150 rpm); 80MW (107,000 hp) total power consumption, output - c.95,000 shp
Получается, что при сопоставимом водоизмещении и вдвое меньшей мощности ЭУ PA2 имеет практически ту же скорость полного хода, что и Кузнецов — почему так?
"It is hard to translate the 85MW aggregate rating of the pods in to a traditional "shp" rating or an estimated speed based only upon the published data because this is their power consumption not output, combined with the hydrodynamic efficiency associated with pods (a reduction of 5-7% in drag is common), and also the slightly less than optimal hull form planned for CVF. The final Thales proposal had a designed maximum speed of 28 knots on the equivalent to roughly 100,000 shp, by way of comparison, the old 50,000 tons (not tonnes) HMS Ark Royal [IV] had 113.4MW (152,500shp) on 4 shafts, for a maximum speed of 30.5kts"
Вообще у "Кузи" (и всего семейства пр.1143), судя по всему, явные нелады с гидродинамикой, плюс, возможно, неоптимальный подбор винтов.