поручик Бруммель
05.03.2005 13:55:45
Re: Спасибо! И...
>>Пилотом "либрейтора" был новозеландец Тригг. Ему удалось несмотря на повреждения
>>произвести атаку лодки и прежде чем самолет рухнул в море сбросить гл.бомбы.
>>Был еще ряд почти аналогичных случаев.
>>Когда U-469 , под командованием знаменитого Вильямовица -Меллендорфа сшибла с небес "Веллингтон-Q" из 172-й эскадрильи. Правда самолет успел таранить лодку.
>Отчаянный народ, однако! Любопытно, это - частные случаи или та самая британская "упёртость"?
Трудно сказать. Во втором случае пилот погиб. И не известно была ли это его инициатива или случайность.
>>Первая "зенитная ловушка " U-Флак-1 (U-441) на своем счету имела "Сандерленд" и "Бофайтер".
>А можно поподробнее насчёт этой самой "зенитной ловушки"?
In April-May 1943, U-441 was rebuilt as U-flak 1, the first of three U-flak boats. Perhaps the most noticeable change in appearance was a greatly expanded Wintergarten (bridge) which had an additional gun platform erected in front of the conning tower. As the boat was to act as an aircraft trap she received greatly increased fire-power in the form of:
2 2cm quadruple anti-aircraft machine-guns
1 3.7cm machine-gun
and additional MG 42 machine-guns (which were mostly effective in boosting morale).
This increase in anti-aircraft-weapons required a lot of additional men, so instead of the normal 44-48 man crew there were now 67 men on board. Also on board was the Marine-Stabsarzt Dr. Pfaffinger, an experienced U-boat doctor.
Admiral Dönitz himself inspected the boat and gave it the new name U-Flak 1.
A few days before the first patrol in her new role the commander, Kptlt Klaus Hartmann, became seriously ill and the former commander of U-563, Kptlt. Götz von Hartmann, had to replace him.
First patrol - Kptlt. Götz von Hartmann
On 22 May, 1943 U-Flak 1 began her first patrol from Brest.
There were always 14 men on the bridge instead of the regular 4-7!
On 24 May, 1943 U-Flak 1 encountered British aircraft in map-square BF 4971.
A few hours later there was a fight with a British Sunderland which U-Flak 1 shot down. The British pilot dropped his bombs just before his aircraft crashed into the sea, some of which fell near U-Flak 1. (It is said that the pilot had received the British Victoria Cross for sinking six U-boats.)
U-Flak 1 returned to Brest due to damages.
2nd patrol - Kptlt. Götz von Hartmann
On 8 July, 1943 U-Flak 1 , after repairs, set off from Brest on her second patrol.
On 11 July, 1943 U-Flak 1 was patrolling in the same map-square BF 4971 as on her first patrol. But this time the enemy was a flight of three British Beaufighters from the 248th squadron. They attacked U-Flak 1 from three sides and after a few minutes many U-boat men were wounded or dead. The badly wounded commander ordered his damaged boat into the depths. They lost 23 men and not one surviving nautical officer was qualified for submerged action.
The doctor Marine-Stabsarzt Dr. Pfaffinger took over the boat and tried to reach base. On the bridge besides the doctor were two radio personnel, the chief electrical engineer and one torpedo mechanic.
But the miracle happened and U-Flak 1 reached the coast near Brest. When they met the first German outpost ship, the ship tried to communicate with the boat using signal flags, but there was not a single man on the U-boat bridge who was able to read the signals.
On 13 July, 1943 U-Flak 1 returned to base at Brest.
It was the last patrol as U-Flak 1, because Dönitz realized that the U-Flak boats weren't the solution to the great problem of the constant Allied aircraft-attacks in the Bay of Biscay.
U-Flak 1 became U-441 again. The boat went out on 10 more patrols under Kptlt. Klaus Hartmann before it was located and sunk with all hands (51 men) by a British Liberator aircraft.
C уважением п-к Бруммель