26.01.2005 06:50:50
Стрелковое оружие;
Re: Автоматические револьверы...
>Слышал, что существовали револьверы, в которых использовалась энергия выстрела для взвода курка и поворота барабана. Были ли вообще такие, и если да, то почему не стали распространенными - из-за сложности конструкции или ненадежности?
Вот такой был:

А тут о нем немного:
… Webley' engaged on a development programme which led to one of the most unusual revolvers of them all, the Webley-Fosbery Automatic Revolver. Colonel G. Vincent Fosbery, an authentic hero who won a Victoria Cross on the Northwest Frontier (of India), retired from the army in 1877, and devoted himself, to no great effect, to the design of a machine gun. Eventually, Fosbery turned his attention to the subject of self-loading revolvers, Hiram Maxim having effectively sewn up the development of the machine gun for the foreseeable future. In 1895 he obtained a British patent for a revolver which, having once been cocked, was re-cocked after firing by the action of its recoil. The indexing principle he used was not at all unlike that employed by Paul Mauser's Zig-Zag revolver, save that instead of the mainspring carrier and its stud moving backwards and forwards in slots in the cylinder, the entire barrel, cylinder, standing breech and hammer, together with most of its associated mechanism, were free to slide back against a spring in a grooved guide in the lower part of the frame. The trigger and butt remained stationary, the motion being used to cock the action and index the cylinder.
С уважением, БорисК.