17.11.2004 11:52:34
Re: Таинственные коротковолновые...
Si vis pacem, para bellum
4.6 МГц = 65 м вполне себе дальняя связь любительского диапазона.
>Across the world, high-powered transmitters with global reach are broadcasting seemingly meaningless strings of numbers or letters, along with a lot of buzzing and beeping noises.
радиотелеграф какой нибудь
>Some have speculated that the signals from these "numbers stations" are operated by drug cartels. However, it's more likely they're run by intelligence agencies, as tacitly acknowledged by the British government, and accidentally by the Cubans.
да кто угодно может.
>Spectrographic analysis of the signals has revealed that modulated data bursts are sometimes contained within the transmissions, and sub-audible noises are a regular occurrence.
значит, скоростная связь для пущей скрытности
>One of the most intriguing stations transmits at 4625 KHz. The station has broadcast the same signal for over 20 years: a buzzing tone, repeated 25 times a minute, which has earned it the nickname "the buzzer." The mast is located 30 kilometers northwest of Moscow.
Гы-гы, радиомаяк какой нибудь :)))
>Apart from the buzzing, 4625 kHz has only twice broadcast voice messages. Why the frequency is being reserved is a mystery.
а почему должно быть загадкой - какую частоту взяли, ту и используют. а голос - ну может налаживали когда, вот и вышли в эфир.
>Paul Beaumont, a member of the British-based Enigma 2000, a group dedicated to analyzing numbers traffic, suggested the buzzer is "something to do with missiles -- possibly a timepiece."
Аха, именно для зеленых человечков "Время московское международное...!"
дальше неинтересно.
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