Да, кстати. Тайваньских шпионов, о которых я писал месяц назад
Добрый день!
уже приговорили к смерти.
Тут говорится, что бывшший начальник Академии ВВС НОАК ген-майор Лю Гуанчжу и еще один старший офицер, работавший в академии приговорены к смерти. Значительные сроки заключения получили еще 20 человек. Тайваньская агентурная сеть в Нанкинском военном округе была вскрыта в результате ареста резидента Бюро военной разведки Тайваня Ли Юньпу и нескольких лиц из его окружения (вероятно, сотрудников резидентуры). Трудно им без дипломатического прикрытия!
То, что произошло - тяжелейший удар по безопасности Тайваня. Нанкинский ВО нацелен именно на действия против острова, здесь находятся базы нацеленных на Тайвань ракет, база Восточного флота и значительные силы ВВС.
Two Chinese Officers to Die for Spying for Taiwan
Agence France Presse, May 14, 2004
Two senior Chinese military officers have been sentenced to death on charges of spying for rival Taiwan.
The former commandant of China's Air Force Command Academy, Major-General Liu Guangzhi, and another academy officer were sentenced after two months of questioning, the United Daily News said in a story on its website.
Heavy punishments have also been handed down to at least 20 other military officers implicated in the case, it said, citing sources in Beijing.
Since Liu was also a deputy of China's parliament, the National People's Congress, severe punishment for him and others involved had been ordered by Central Military Commission chairman and former president Jiang Zemin for what he described as 'the worst spy case since the founding of the People's Republic of China'.
Liu's mistress and his son have also been arrested.
The daily said the spy ring was busted in March following the seizure of Taiwan Military Intelligence Bureau Colonel Li Yun-pu, his nephew Kao Kuo-ning, colleague Wu Tse-ming and others on the mainland.
Operating in the guise of a business executive with a technology firm, Li had infiltrated Chinese military units and recruited spies, it said.
The spy network, centred on east China's Nanjing military region, covered targets such as the East Sea Fleet in Ningpo and Leping missile base in Jiangxi province which supervises missile bases facing Taiwan.
Taiwan's defence ministry declined to comment on the report.
The Chinese military officers who were arrested were believed to have provided top-secret information about the deployment of the People's Liberation Army airforce's Sukhoi-27 and Sukhoi-30 fighter jets to the Taiwanese military, Hong Kong's Sing Pao Daily News reported last month.
It was the largest Taiwanese spy ring uncovered by China since a similar one was broken in 1998.
That incident led to the executions the following year of high-ranking officers Liu Liankun and Shao Zhengzhong for espionage, the paper said.