"A total of 3524 people were hanged during the 19th century in England and Wales, with 1353 suffering for murder. In 1800, 133 people were to hang, rising to a peak, for the century, of 216 the following year. The execution rate averaged 81.9 per annum for the first 30 years of the century. In 1820, there were 107 executions (of which only 10 were for murder) with 50 in 1825 and 74 in 1829. The number of executions began to decline as transportation become the frequently used alternative and the number of capital crimes reduced dramatically in the 1830's."
Т.е. действительно первая треть века была богата на повешения, но всего за век 3,5 тыс. (и из них 1.3 тыс за убийство), наибольшее количество - около 200 чел. в год - в начале века. Число казней уменьшилось, когда стали заменять на высылку, а затем - уменьшилось число статей, по которым была смертная казнь.