>Румынский полковник, по-моему пехоты.
А что про него Tank Museum написал, читали? W.W.I French Army horizon blue General's uniform is believed to be of the W.W.I period, but may date sometime later. The Branch of the service of this general is unknown at this time, but the flaming bomb style buttons were common for infantry and perhaps cavalry generals. This uniform has white color cuff inserts added to simulate the wearing of a white shirt underneath the tunic. These white cuffs are marked, oddly enough, "West Point". This probably indicates that they were of U.S. manufacture or origin.
Перевести дословно не берусь - сон разума.
С почтением. Китаец.
Re: Ну, это... - Евгений Пинак04.02.2004 18:36:23 (57, 137 b)
Re: Ну, это... - Chestnut04.02.2004 18:41:15 (56, 224 b)