22.12.2003 02:13:06
Песня времен ПМВ (переделана на более грубый лад во время ВМВ)
Horseferry Road
He was stranded alone in London and strode
To army headquarters in Horseferry Road,
And there met a poofter lance-corporal who said:
'You've got blood on your tunic and mud on your head.
You look so disgraceful that people will laugh,'
Said the cold-footed bastard from Horseferry staff.
The Digger jumped up with a murderous glance,
Said: 'Fuck you! I just came from the trenches in France,
Where fighting was plenty and cunt was for few,
And brave men were dying for shit-bags like you.
'You speak to a soldier you meet in the street,
And tell him you suffer with trench-bitten feet,
While you stopped back in London and missed all the strafe,
You greasy big bastard from Horseferry staff.'
The matter soon got to the ears of Lord Gort, Who gave the whole matter a good deal of thought. He shouted the Digger some beer in a glass, And gave the lance-corporal a boot up the arse.
С уважением, ВЛАДИМИР