Artem Drabkin
24.06.2003 13:09:44
Прочее; Современность;
Требуется редактор!
Добрый день,
На меня вышла западная контора, которая хочет запустить здесь журнал типа “Images of war”. Я с ними встречался – ребята вменяемые, но в материале разбираются очень посредственно. Мне было гарантировано, что никаких резунойдных штучек в журнале не будет. После чего я принял решение с ними сотрудничать. Кроме того они ищут редактора. Теперь текст письма, которое я получил после нашей встречи. Поскольку одним из пунктов является владение английским языком, возмущения по поводу отсутствия перевода не принимаются:
«As we discussed I am on the look out for an editor. The person I have in
mind will be a young journalist, apx 28 to 35. He might have an interest in
the subject, but this is by no means decisive. In fact, sometimes in matters
like this, it is better that the person is detatched from the subject.
However, it is very important that the person speaks english. Furthermore,
the job can be quite tough at times, so the person should be 'dynamic' and
able to work under pressure. He should also be aware, that this magazine has
an encyclopedic nature and deals with facts, not opinions.
The job: To edit a 32-page magazine, which is published forthnightly, ie.
twice a month. The publication will be distributed all over Russia, just as
national dailies and magazines like Burda. We will publish 52 issues, so the
vacancy is for two years in total. However, the period may be extended
depending on the popularity of the magazine. The editor will hire freelance
writers, historians and journalists, to deliver most of the copy. The editor
will be responsible for pictures and illustrations in cooperation with a
picture editor/researcher. The magazine will contains reprints of old
newspapers, posters and interesting documents. It will also be the editors
responsibility to select these items. Finally, the editor will liaise with
our consultants to ensure the highest quality.
The magazine: It is a full colour magazine about the Great Patriotic War,
32-pages which will be published fortnightly for a total of 24 months. The
magazine contains a lot of images and illustrations, maps and 'boxes'. The
readers will collect the magazine and the whole collection will serve as an
encyclopedia of the war. It is mass market and strongly based on facts,
rather than opinions. The style is balanced and 'informative'. The target
group is predominantly male, 25 to 50 years old.
The salary will be individually negotiated, but as a pointer I can say it is
likely to be on par with rates paid at national russian newspapers.»
По всем вопросам
Artem http://www.iremember.ru