12.03.2003 20:11:02
Америка основана рабами...
>>Что ты хочешь - "страна воров и каторжников, даже родину и ту у других украли". 300 лет Европа сваливала туда все свои отб.., а теперь они пытаются научить нас своему образу жизни...
>В первую очередь вы думаете о Австралии, о знаток географии и истории. Америка основона беженцами от религиозныx преследований из Англии (см. Пуританы).
Белыми причем.
См например
"So Virginians turned to a system of white bondage called indentured servitude. Drifters, drunks, and orphans were kidnapped or deceived by English recruiting agents who worked for merchants and ship captains. Criminals came cheerfully -- it was America or the gallows. But most indentured servants willingly sold themselves into bondage for a term of five to seven years.
Their hope was that, once free, in land-rich America, they would rise in the world. About four of every five immigrants to the Chesapeake region in the 17th century arrived as indentured servants. In no time, Virginia and neighboring Maryland became societies of tobacco masters and bondsmen, with white servants working in gangs of eight to ten supervised by whip-wielding overseers. Because of disease and brutally harsh treatment, 40% of the servants would not survive their term of service. "
- Фигня - Гриша 12.03.2003 20:49:05 (134, 483 b)