Alex Medvedev
17.06.2020 06:23:55
WWII; Танки;
Начали за здравие, а кончили за упокой
т.е. начали с утверждения, что в Прохоровском сражении безвозвратно потеряли всего пять танков, но хитрые русские выкатили IS-2 and T-34/85 в количестве несколько тысяч штук и в итоге к концу 1943 года в 12 танковых дивизий было всего 199 боеготовых танков:
By 23.12.43, the Red Army had lost 1,687,164 men in the battle of the Dnieper, of whom 417,323 were dead or missing. Yet its human and material reserves seemed inexhaustible. The same could hardly be said of the German forces. As a result of the lack of replacement personnel, Army Group South had only 328,397 men available at the end of December 1943, plus 109,816 men serving in Allied and foreign units. Although Manstein’s army group numbered as many 14 panzer divisions, it had only 199 operational tanks ready for action.