Phil Haun, Colin Jackson - Breaker of Armies. Air Power in the Easter Offensive and the Myth of Linebacker I and II in the Vietnam War
Phil Haun is Professor of Aerospace Studies at Yale University. Colin Jackson is Associate Professor in the Strategy and Policy Department at the Naval War College.
Широко распространённое мнение, что чисто воздушные операции Лайнбэкер принудили Ханой к подписанию Парижского мирного договора в 1972-м неверно. Воздушная мощь США действительно сыграла решающую роль, но не за счёт рейдов по глубоким тылам, а за счёт воздействия на переднем крае, к-рое и помогло остановить блицкриг СВА.
The widely held belief that these independent air operations on North Vietnam coerced Hanoi into signing the 1973 Paris peace accords is wrong.
It was, rather, the defeat of the NVA during the Easter Offensive in South Vietnam that convinced the North to accept a peace agreement in October 1972. U.S. air power was decisive, not with deep interdiction or strategic air strikes, but by stopping North Vietnam’s blitzkrieg in the south and breaking its army in the process.