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Дата 15.12.2015 18:44:05 Найти в дереве
Рубрики 11-19 век; Версия для печати

Кстати, чисто военный аспект


вот как адмирал Хорнби оценивал свои перспективы, если русские займут один или два берега Босфора.

I suppose the squadron would only be sent up
to play a part. If the northern shore of the
Dardanelles were occupied by an enemy, I think
it very doubtful if we could play any material
part ; and if the Bosphorus also was under their
command, it would be almost impossible. In the
latter case, we could not get even the Heraclea
coal. In the former, our English supply of coal,
our ammunition, and perhaps our food, would in
my opinion be stopped. This opinion depends on
the topography of the north shore. If you will
send for the chart of the Dardanelles, No. 2429,
you will see that from three and a half miles
below Kilid Bahar to Ak Bashi Imian, six and
a half miles above it, an almost continuous cliff
overhangs the shore-line, while the Straits close to
half a mile in one part, and are never more than
two miles wide. An enemy in possession of the
peninsula would be sure to put guns on command-
ing points of those cliffs. All the more if the
present batteries, which are a Jleur d'eau, were
destroyed. Such guns could not fail to stop trans-
ports and colliers, and would be most difficult for
men-of-war to silence. We should have to fire at
them with considerable elevation. Shots which
were a trifle low would lodge harmlessly in the
sandstone cliffs ; those a trifle high would fly into
the country, without the slightest effect on the
gunners except amusement.
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