Not after I was rich enough to buy a rifle," returned the other, betraying a little pride through his usually quiet and subdued manner; "then it was seen I could keep a wigwam in ven'son; and in time I got the name of 'Deerslayer,' which is that I now bear; homely as some will think it, who set more value on the scalp of a fellow-mortal than on the horns of a buck."
У Натти за всю его жизнь было 2 винтовки. Первую он купил сам, когда ещё жил в отцовском доме. Потом, когда Хаттер отдала Натти
винтовку Killdeer, Натти сохранил первую винтовку, чтобы потом позже отдать её Ункасу.