7 убитых, 7 раненых морпехов после взрыва на полигоне в Неваде
Во время учений. Hawthorne Army Depot, там складированы ВВ и БП под утилизацию.
По словам анонима из МО, взорвалась 60 мм мина в стволе миномёта (не тем концом засунули? двойной выстрел?).
Эта свалка почему-то считается идеальным местом для подготовки спецов перед отправкой в ЮВА (похоже, они и тренировались в 10 вечера)
a military official who spoke on condition of anonymity said initial reports from the scene indicated that a 60mm mortar round exploded prematurely in the tube of a mortar launcher.
The explosion occurred at 10 p.m. PDT (5 a.m. GMT Tuesday) during a Marine training exercise at the Hawthorne Army Depot, about 92 miles southeast of Reno, said facility manager Russ Collier.
Hawthorne Army Depot is a 147,000-acre site used for the storage and destruction of demilitarized ammunition. The facility's location in Nevada's isolated high desert is also considered an ideal training environment for Special Operations forces preparing for deployments to Southwest Asia, according to a U.S. military web site.
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