От Ibuki Ответить на сообщение
К Alex Medvedev
Дата 14.09.2011 16:45:37 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Армия; Стрелковое оружие; Версия для печати

Re: Например СОВА

Сова - может быть. А может и нет.


А вот что пишуть про sniper location system:
>When a high-powered rifle is fired, it produces two different kinds of sound waves. One is the “muzzle blast” that expands outward in a spherical wave from the muzzle. The second is a conical shock wave that is produced by the bullet as it travels at supersonic speeds. Each node of the shooter location system contains an array of four sensitive microphones. If at least three of the microphones in a single node detect the muzzle blast, the information allows the nodes’ microprocessor to calculate the direction that the sound came from. If the same array also detects the arrival time and angle of the bullet shockwave, a simple calculation gives the shooter’s location.
Тоже одновременно ловит и звук выстрела и ударную волну пули.