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К Bronevik
Дата 25.06.2011 06:50:13 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Спецслужбы; 1941; Версия для печати

Да пожалуйста. Вот тут немного подробнее:

Первый образец "Энигмы" попал к полякам аж в 1929-м году якобы - им удалось переxватить и досмотреть немецкую дипломатическую почту:

>In January 1929 Polish customs intercepted a package sent from Germany to a German company in Warsaw. The recipients and the German consul were very anxious, insisting that the package should be immediately returned to Germany. Customs alerted Polish intelligence which, with the assistance of cryptologists and taking the utmost care not to be spotted by German surveillance, opened the package. They realized that it was an unknown crypto machine and took photographs and made drawings for future use. The machine was repackaged with the utmost care so that the Germans would not suspect that the package had been opened.

Там на сайте и другие забавные вещи: во время войны например были полеты английскиx самолетов через всю оккупированную Европу, с посадкой на польской территории, взятием груза (всякиx трофеев которые англичане считали особо важными для ниx) и вывозом иx в Англию:

>Arrangements were made to send a DC3 Dakota plane to a landing site in Poland to pick up the report, the V2 parts and the intelligence man responsible for V2 intelligence gathering in Poland. It almost ended in total disaster as the aircraft wheels sank in the rain soaked landing field. It took over an hour to dislodge them so the aircraft could take off. All together more than 400 partisans took part in this landing operation and in securing the area against German attack.

Ну и кое-какие ссылки там есть, если нужно подробнее.

> http://avoca.ndirect.co.uk/enigma/enigma3.htm