Текст беседы с Гитлером был еще в 1948 году опубликован
>"...Чтобы легализовать этот фальшивый "Секретный дополнительный протокол", в 1989 г. с подачи А.Н.Яковлева были изготовлены еще три подделки - "Разъяснение к секретному дополнительному протоколу от 23 августа 1939 года», "Второй секретный дополнительный протокол" от 28 сентября 1939 г. и фальсифицированный текст "БЕСЕДЫ ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЯ СОВНАРКОМА, НАРКОМА ИНОСТРАННЫХ ДЕЛ СССР В.М.МОЛОТОВА С РЕЙХСКАНЦЛЕРОМ А.ГИТЛЕРОМ В БЕРЛИНЕ от 13 ноября 1940 г."
В "Nazi-Soviet relations":
"The Führer referred to the remark of Molotov during yesterday's conversation, according to which the German-Russian agreement was fulfilled "with the exception of one point: namely, of Finland."
Molotov explained that this remark referred not only to the German-Russian agreement itself, but in particular to the Secret Protocols too.
The Führer replied that, in the Secret Protocol, zones of influence and spheres of interest had been designated and distributed between Germany and Russia. In so far as it had been a question of actually taking possession, Germany had lived up to the agreements, which was not quite the case on the Russian side. At any rate, Germany had not occupied any territory that was within the Russian sphere of influence.
Lithuania had already been mentioned yesterday. There could be no doubt that in this case the changes from the original German-Russian agreement were essentially due to Russian initiative. Whether the difficulties-to avoid which the Russians had offered their suggestion-would actually have resulted from the partition of Poland, could be left out of the discussion. In any case, the Voivodeship of Lublin was no compensation, economically, for Lithuania. However,
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the Germans had seen that in the course of events a situation had resulted which necessitated revision of the original agreement.
The same applied to Bucovina. Strictly speaking, in the original agreement Germany had declared herself disinterested only in Bessarabia. Nevertheless, she had realized, in this case too, that revision of the agreement was in certain respects advantageous for the other partner. "