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Дата 21.11.2008 16:24:34 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Флот; Локальные конфликты; Версия для печати

Re: великолепно!

Спаисбо, весьма инфолрмативно, на это уже можно ссылаться:

But in 2000 the Taliban banned opium production, a first in Afghan history. In 2000, Afghanistan's opium production still accounted for 75% of the world's supply. On July 27, 2000, the Taliban again issued a decree banning opium poppy cultivation. According to opioids.com, by February 2001, production had been reduced from 12,600 acres (51 km2) to only 17 acres.[72] When the Taliban entered north Waziristan in 2003 they immediately banned poppy cultivation and punished those who sold it.[citation needed]

Another source claims opium production was cut back by the Taliban not to prevent its use but to shore up its price, and thus increase the income of poppy farmers and revenue of Afghan tax collectors.[73]

The official verdict of the Taliban however was otherwise. Mullah Amir Mohammed Haqqani, the Taliban's top drug official in Nangarhar, said the ban would remain regardless of whether the Taliban received aid or international recognition. "It is our decree that there will be no poppy cultivation. It is banned forever in this country," he said. "Whether we get assistance or not, poppy growing will never be allowed again in our country."[72]

However, with the 2001 US/Northern Alliance expulsion of the Taliban, opium cultivation has increased in the southern provinces liberated from the Taliban control,[74] and by 2005 production was 87% of the world's opium supply,[75] rising to 90% in 2006.[76

Правдо некто Ледерер с этим не согласна:

source: Edith M. Lederer, "U.N. Panel Accuses Taliban of Selling Drugs to Finance War and Train Terrorists," Associated Press,

но насчёт ее позиции ув.Любитель уже ответил похоже :)

>Пример - Хизбалла.

Так они такой же позиции придерживаются, что и Талибан? Всё интереснее и интереснее.