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К Pav.Riga
Дата 01.11.2007 23:58:42 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Древняя история; Версия для печати

Re: Кстати афиняне...

> Штаны-атрибут варваров.
> А высокоцивилизованные греки и римляне
> такого себе не позволяли.

Римляне вполне позволяли. Сначала носили кожаные штаны до колен, а с усилением «германского компонента» в армии перешли к длинным шерстяным штанам:

Knee-length trousers, probably of leather, were usually worn by cavalrymen. Infantry-men are generally depicted bare-legged, or possibly wearing skin-tight trousers. With the introduction of large numbers of Germanic troops into the army from the third century onwards, the wearing of long, slightly looser fitting wool trousers, such as found in the Thorsbjerg bog deposit, probably became a common sight. Eastern troops are often depicted wearing long, loose trousers: the Battle of Ebenezer fresco from Dura appears to show two soldiers wearing trousers.

Цит. по: Southern, Pat., Ramsey Dixon, Karen. (1996) The Late Roman Army. Yale University Press, p. 123.