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Дата 01.09.2006 18:21:00 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Армия; Евреи и Израиль; Версия для печати

Я не из Израиля, но можно задать вопросы?

Я в военных делах дилетант (лейтенант запаса после военной кафедры), поэтому если я буду чушь нести, поправьте меня, пожалуйста.

>"Israel needs to wake up," says Jonathan Davis, a 24-year-old combat engineer whose reserve infantry unit, after several days in Lebanon without food or water, refused an order to attack a hospital being used as a base by Hezbollah. "Our army is not at its best and needs to change."

Т.е. подразделение ослушалось приказа атаковать? А за это не полагается расстреливать каждого десятого, или что-нибудь в этом роде?

> They set off at midnight, in a brigade of about 200 troops, for a 2.5-mile hike to the Lebanese village of Debel. The terrain was unexpectedly rough, Mr. Shalman says; they didn't reach Debel until sunrise.

5 км марш вызвал проблемы?

>At that point, Mr. Shalman assumed they'd have to spend the day in the brush or turn back to Israel, because the troops were under orders never to enter buildings during daylight, lest the enemy see them. But in bright sunshine, the brigade commander ordered all 200 men to scatter among five abandoned houses on the edge of town.

Почвоведческий вопрос израильским участникам. Может, стоило заняться инженерным оборудованием позиции - в смысле, окопы копать? Все-таки лучше, чем сбиваться в кучу - 200 человек в пяти домах. Или там сплошная скала, и ничего не накопаешь?

>Amid the trees and rolling hills in the dark of night, the soldiers had no idea who was friend or foe, Mr. Shalman says. Israeli troops shouted "Tzahal! Tzahal!" as they walked, he says. The Hebrew word identified them as Israel Defense Forces, but defeated the purpose of operating at night.

Это штатная процедура (передвигаться ночью с криками), полевая выдумка или журнализм?

Hezbollah also jammed the Israelis' walkie-talkies with Arabic music, he says.

Только в такой войне это может сработать; другой противник запеленговал бы передатчик и накрыл артиллерией.

>By the time Mr. Shalman's unit reached Rashaf, a Hezbollah stronghold, the reservists were out of food and water and thoroughly demoralized, he says. The closest army supply depot was over a steep ridge and too dangerous to reach. The unit spent three hungry days in the brush on the outskirts of Rashaf, too weak and upset to fight, he says. They pulled out of Lebanon on the day of the cease-fire.

Думаю, что командиру стоило озаботиться добыванием "подножного корма" (магазины, жилые дома и т.п.)

>The soldiers refused. "We just said, 'That's ridiculous. Forget it,' " Mr. Davis says. His unit, though celebrated during its regular army service for fighting Palestinians in Gaza, has had no heavy-combat training in recent years, Mr. Davis says. He had fired all of 15 bullets in training since completing his regular military service three years ago. "We weren't trained, prepared or equipped to walk two kilometers, through a hostile village, and take over a hospital," he says.

Кстати, а какое тяжелое вооружение они могли иметь, и какую поддержку получить (артиллерийскую и т.п.)?

>After a second unit declined the mission, Mr. Davis says the army sent three teams of special commandos -- roughly 60 men in all. Eight were killed, he says.

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