22.06.2006 10:30:29
прошу помощи в переводе с английского
не подскажет ли кто-н., как лучше перевести следующие фразы и абзацы:
The three German designs differed greatly with regard to the transmission, steering, and suspension designs. The Rheinmetall Corporation built one tank with a differential drive and newly patented steering system, the other tank with a clutch-drive system. All of the tanks used small bogie wheels, but arrangement of the wheels and suspensions varied.
The Rheinmetall vehicles were more advanced than Krupp's because they used a cletrac-drive system,71 a controlled differential that was a step up from the braked-differential truck drive. The first tank to be designed with a cletrac drive was a Renault experimental light tank built only two years before, in 1926.
конкретно интересуют термины, выделенные болдом.
и еще - в следующей фразе:
The Daimler project, led by Professor Ferdinand Porsche, produced a low-silhouette, 100-horsepower, fast, agile eight-wheeled vehicle, with four-by-four drive forward and backward and 13-5 millimeters of armor. The Magirus prototype was similar to the Daimler vehicle.
four-by-four drive forward and backward - речь идет о приводе 4х4?
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