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Дата 06.01.2006 21:52:55 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Версия для печати

Простите, но всё-таки не хочется вам напоминать поговорку про...

Здраствуйте! --- приветливо сказал маститый учёный. (с)

..."неверное" чтение книги...
Вот, к примеру (просто "на вскидку" из вашего же источника):
6/7 April 1942

The campaign against Essen continued, with 157 aircraft - 110 Wellingtons, 19 Stirlings, 18 Hampdens and 10 Manchesters. The crews encountered severe storms and icing and there was complete cloud cover over Essen. Only 49 aircraft claimed to have reached the target area. Essen reports only a few bombs, with light damage; no casualties are recorded. 5 aircraft - 2 Hampdens, 1 Manchester, 1 Stirling, 1 Wellington - lost

8/9 April 1942

272 aircraft - 177 Wellingtons, 41 Hampdens, 22 Stirlings, 13 Manchesters, 12 Halifaxes, 7 Lancasters - on yet another record raid for aircraft numbers to 1 target. 4 Wellingtons and 1 Manchester lost.
Icing and electrical storms were again encountered. Although 188 aircraft reported bombing in the target area, the raid was a failure. 17 people were killed and 119 injured. Bremen reports a load of incendiaries dropped very accurately on the Vulkan shipyard where 4 U-boats and several surrounding buildings were damaged by fire.

10/11 April 1942

254 aircraft - 167 Wellingtons, 43 Hampdens, 18 Stirlings, 10 Manchesters, 8 Halifaxes, 8 Lancasters. 14 aircraft - 7 Wellingtons, 5 Hampdens, 1 Halifax, 1 Manchester - lost.
Crews were given a forecast of clear weather over Essen but cloud was met instead. The bombing force became scattered and suffered heavily from the Ruhr Flak defences. Bombing was poor. Essen reports 12 houses destroyed, no serious industrial damage, 7 people killed and 30 injured. Total bombs in Essen were approximately 6 aircraft loads from the 172 aircraft claiming to have bombed there.
Bomber Command's first 8,000lb bomb was dropped during this raid by the 76 Squadron Halifax of Pilot Officer M. Renaut, whose aircraft was badly damaged by Flak. It is not known where Renaut's bomb fell.

Minor Operations: 40 'freshmen' crews to Le Havre, 3 Blenheim Intruders to Holland, 3 aircraft minelaying off Heligoland, 5 leaflet flights to France. 1 Manchester on the Le Havre raid and 1 Hampden minelayer lost.

Total effort for the night: 305 sorties, 16 aircraft (5.2 per cent) lost.

Простите, что столь объёмно. Но вы можете привести хотя бы подобные цифры о таком количестве (причём это ещё 42-ой год!) АДД СССР?
В 1942 году, какие самолёты наших ВВС были приближены по характеристикам к "Ланкастерам" и другим 4-х моторным бомбёрам? Сколько Ил-4 (Дб-3) вылетало за раз?