Re: Jentz, Исаев...
>Еще неменого и согласитесь на мои 1700 :-)
Я случайно наткнулся на обсуждение количества немецких танков под Москвой на форуме "The Dupuy Institute". Вот какое мнение на этот счет высказал Niklas Zetterling (тот самый):
On the German tank strength in the east, the following is given by Boog/FЖrster/Hoffmann/Klink/MЭller/UeberschДr, "Der Angriff auf die Sowjetunion", p. 1156:
22 June 3648
Losses June: 118
Losses July: 732
Additions July: 91
Losses August: 638
Additions August: 11
Losses September: 257
Additions 39
This would give 2044 remaining on 1 October. However, to this has to be added approx. 450 tanks belonging to 2nd and 5th Pz.Div. In other words, the German forces in the east probably had around 2500 tanks on 1 October, but this obviously included tanks in workshops. It is conceivable that army group Center had around 1700 tanks, of which 1000 were serviceable, but I don't know.
С уважением, БорисК.