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Дата 20.07.2005 18:02:57 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Артиллерия; Версия для печати

Интересные цмфры по 88 мм зениткам (франция 40)

"Before the BoF two Flakkorps were founded, fielding about 400 8.8 cm Flak. These two Flakkorps were directly attached to the 14 "Schnelle" divisions of the tank combat groups of von Kleist and Guderian.
After the BoF had ended they were credited with the following combat results:

I. Flakkorps
372 plane kills in the air.
252 planes killed on ground or captured.
47 destroyed tanks.
30 pill-boxes.
1 sunk warship with 12 warships and 8 transporters being damaged.

II. Flakkorps
214 plane kills in the air.
284 destroyed tanks.
17 destroyed fortresses.
7 sunk transporters with numerous other ships damaged."

Танков (II. Flakkorps) набили больше чем самолетов. Или может танки проще на свой счет записать?

Кстати первое применение 88 это точно Испания?