От А.Яковлев
К igorGri
Дата 12.07.2004 10:34:46
Рубрики Авиатехника; Объявления; 1936-1945 гг.;

И я читал, и хотелось бы взглянуть, как эта штука выглядела

И как эти буи ставились, интересно? Вряд ли просто сбрасывались, видимо крепились как-то, чтобы не дрейфовали.

От Морской Подкотик
К А.Яковлев (12.07.2004 10:34:46)
Дата 13.07.2004 08:03:48

Re: И я...

Greetings and salutations,

The buoys were anchored in large numbers in North Sea and English Cannel by Luftwaffe and were patrolled by German flying and e-boats, they were also known to be visited by Royal Navy.

According to gentlemens agreement the buoys were considered to be neutral territory and few times when downed German and British pilots were forced to share a single buoy who surrenders to whom was determined by whose rescue plane or vessel would arrive first.

The buoys were fairly large structures consisting of two cylinders one on top of another. The top one serving as the mast and having a doorway leading inside and below into the larger semi-submerged cylinder that served as the shelter and was equipped with the rescue radio and all necessary first aid supplies.

One such buoy can be seen in the movie "One of Our Aircraft is Missing". The movie was shot in England in 1942 and the buoy featured in it appears to be a genuine one.

От А.Яковлев
К Морской Подкотик (13.07.2004 08:03:48)
Дата 13.07.2004 08:17:33


Вот один товарищ на 12 OCH! мне ответил и запостил такую фоту:

ИМХО маленький какой-то, нет? Выглядит как спасательный плотик и уж совсем не похоже на описание "The buoys were fairly large structures consisting of two cylinders one on top of another. The top one serving as the mast and having a doorway leading inside and below into the larger semi-submerged cylinder that served as the shelter and was equipped with the rescue radio and all necessary first aid supplies."

От badger
К А.Яковлев (13.07.2004 08:17:33)
Дата 13.07.2004 08:22:08

Очевидно что это лодка надувная

>ИМХО маленький какой-то, нет? Выглядит как спасательный плотик и уж совсем не похоже на описание

И к описываемому бую отношения не имеет. Хотя наличие баллона подсказывает что входить в спасательный комплект она могла(хотя накачивание её в воде насосом изображенным я себе не представляю, насос явно "ножного" типа)

А товарищ вас явно не так понял(а возможно и не знал никогда о буях).

От А.Яковлев
К badger (13.07.2004 08:22:08)
Дата 13.07.2004 08:50:45

Re: Очевидно что...

>А товарищ вас явно не так понял(а возможно и не знал никогда о буях).

Да, я плохо сформулировал запрос. Сейчас исправлюсь.

От Морской Подкотик
К А.Яковлев (13.07.2004 08:50:45)
Дата 13.07.2004 21:04:12

Re: Очевидно что...

Greetings and salutations,

If you don't mind waiting a bit, I'll try to get the movie from the library and make some screenshots of the buoy.
The movie is also available on amazon.com and many other places. Made in 1942 "One of Our Aircraft is Missing" is a fine example of war time production and features authentic airplanes and equipment. It makes a good addition to the video collection of anyone who is interested in that period of aviation history.

От А.Яковлев
К Морской Подкотик (13.07.2004 21:04:12)
Дата 14.07.2004 08:14:34


Буду ждать.

От Морской Подкотик
К А.Яковлев (14.07.2004 08:14:34)
Дата 17.07.2004 05:35:15

Re: Спасибо


Unfortunately the copy of the movie that I got from the library turned out to be very old and poor quality and the screenshots that I made pale in comparisnment to the pictures provided by good gentlemen of BOB-MA Developer Group.

However I still think that the buoys were equipped with rescue radios, otherwise what are the things sets on the edge of the top structure in front of the mast? To me they look exactly like radio antennas.

I also have to admit that I was wrong about the shape of the buoys, although such a mistake can be easily made if all one has to look at is an old b&w movie.