01.10.2003 09:23:00
1936-1945 гг.;
По поводу строя бомбардировщиков
>Ну, они же стреляи не "по самолёту" а "по строю". А строй был густой. И значить был шанс, что залп этих дур выпущенный несколькими истребителями некую пользу принесёт. Затем следовала атака обысным оружием (тех же самых причём истребителей)
Вот что дал гугл:
FIRST DOGFIGHT by Capt. Art Heiden, 20thFG, 79th FS
...The ME-110 had a poor reputation in the Luftwaffe, but to the Americans it was a formidable foe. It's mission against the Allied Bombers was extreemly dangerous and difficult. Equipped to carry four 21 cm, Werter-Granate rockets, weighing 249-pounds each with a 90-pound warhead, THEY WERE VERY EFFECTIVE AT BREAKING UP THE CLOSELY PACKED BOMBER FORMATIONS. These rockets could be fired from 6-thousand feet, 50% grouped in 97-ft. circle, with the in a 200-ft. circle. Further more, close examination of Allied fighter losses will surpriseingly show that a disproportionate numbers of fighters that were shot down were lost to Me-110's...