От Евгений Величко
К Hippo
Дата 15.10.2016 12:03:57
Рубрики 1936-1945 гг.;

Готово на английском. Счас на русский переведу.

Interviw of a wounded russian polot captain Captain Krasenko,Jakob,son of Alexander,born in Taschkent in 1904.Civil profession director of a Sowoho(?).Took off on 5.11.41 at 7 o clock in Sewastopol at Kulikowo Pole airfield.At this airfield are 10 planes all doubledeckers type Chaika.He took off today with one flight and was shot down.He is member of 32.flight regiment.He just arrived in Sewastopol on 3 11.41 with the mentioned 10 planes coming from an airfield 20-30 km from Ak-Metschet.Their orders for today were recon the streets traffic.They started with small caliber bombs.Besides these 10 planes were no other planes in Ak-Metschet.Before being transferred to Aj-Mdtschet,he was in Dschakoy.He was Assistent of Group commander.The moral among the pilots was bad.In the regiment was a Politruk(?),in the group only a secretary. The Me is a very good plane. Near Sewastopol are 2 airfields He and the mentioned 10 planes were on the smaller one.Which and how many planes are on the other one,he does not know.(He showed the location of the airfields to Oberst Mölders on the map)In his possession was found a notebook and a little notepad which were confiscated.The letters of his wife and his son found in the notbook state that he is a convinced communist.The rest found in the notebook and notepad are not of interest.Intervied by ?????,Sonderführer

С уважением, Евгений.

К Евгений Величко (15.10.2016 12:03:57)
Дата 15.10.2016 12:20:06

Вот здесь уже искали пилота и установили правильное отчество
