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Дата 09.01.2005 15:38:55 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Люди и авиация; Авиатехника; 1936-1945 гг.; Версия для печати

О "победах" (на этот раз у англичан)

Один из моих друзей прислал мне эту информацию о боях над Мальтой в Октябре 1942-го года.
"From 'Malta: The Spitfire Year 1942' by Shores, Cull and Malizia:
Te October claims of the Malta-based RAF fighters afford a particularly good opprtunity to consider the phenomenon of overclaiming.
During the week of the main blitz (11th to 17th) claims made against Ju 88s - the predominant bombers - amounted to 53 'confirmed' and 27 'probables' by day and night. Actual losses totalled 34 Ju 88s destroyed and 13 fairly seriously damaged. Thus, actual losses represented 64% of confirmed claims - a creditably accurate proportion.
Against the Italian escort fighters claims were made for 11 MC202s and three Re2001s 'confirmed' , with three and one respectively as 'probables'. Actual losses appear to have totalled five Macchis and one Reggiane destroyed, with six of the former recorded as damaged. Here the percentage of actual losses to confirmed claims deteriorates to just under 43%.
However, claims against Bf 109s amounted to 45 'confirmed' and 16 'probables', whilst recorded losses were 12 destroyed and five damaged. This indicates an accuracy level of 'confirmed' claims of about 26.5%.
Для справки потери Спитфайров из того же источника:
"During this period 43 Spitfires were shot down (23) or crash-landed (20), whilst 39 more were damaged. Thus, whilst it was thought that almost twice as many opposing fighters had probably been shot down as had been lost, in fact more than twice as many Spitfires had been lost as had Axis fighters!"
Итого немцы с итальянцами потеряли 34 Ю-88, 5 Макки 202, 1 Редджиане 2001 и 12 мессеров. Англичане заявили 53 сбитых и 27 возможно сбитых Ю-88 (реальные потери - 64% от заявленного), 14 и 4 итальянцев (43%), 45 и 16 сто девятых (25.6%).

С уважением, Viggen