Some time ago I have written about mysterius Wolf Messing who donated a Yak-1M for Polish 1. PLM “Warszawa” which fought on the Eastern Front from 1944.
One of plane has special inscription “The Gift of the professor Wolf Messing for Polish Pilots in Soviet Union”.
Who was this mysterious person?
I have found quite substantive CV of Wolf Messing. He was very “strange/secret” person indeed.
He was one of the famous perosalities who was a medium with great psychic power, skills (clairvoyant, telepatman, could easly read other persons thoughts, ect – real great medium).
He was born in Góra Kalwaria (about 60 km from Warsaw) in Poland on 10 IX 1899. From the beginning he had demonstrted medium, paranormal skills. When he was 6 he was send to Hebrew religious school (he was a Jew).
When he was 10, his teacher nominated/selected him to the rabbi school. He did not want the be a rabbi, and chose own life. Escpe form home and went to Berlin.
He took part in many shows/presentations demonstrating his unsual skills for public, for money (he could read the thoughts ect.).
During WW I he was invited by Zygmunt Freud (the same, famous psychoanalitic) to his flat on Berggasse 19 in Wien to present and show his mental power. Yung guy astonished Freud when he exactly said /did what Freud was thinking about (he cut 3 hairs firm his beard and give him). Also Alber Einsten (E=mc2) was interesting in Messing power too.
He had returned to Poland 1921 (after long world tour: Japan, Argentina, Brazilia, India, USA).
In Poland he was quiet famous perosn before WW II (now almost forgotten). One of his famous achivments was fast detection of stolen jewels of prince Czartoryski family (worths of 800.000 Franks). He was also invited by marshal Józef Piłsudski for special meeting. He know all important figures (establishment) in Poland.
In 1937 he foresaw that Hitler “will breaking his neck attacking the East” - his prophecy was published in Polish newspaper!
Germans for his head set a 200.000 D.Marks rewards, when the war started (and German on 1 IX and Soviet Russia on 17 IX invaded us from the back).
He escaped from Poland in November 1939, crossed Soviet-German border. Since then he had started his career in Soviet Union.
On the begining he started to earn money on presentations (he could read thoughts, as he did it for many years). During such a presentation in Homl in WhiteRussia (Bialorussi) he was taken by mred mlitia men (NKWD rather) and send directly to Stalin. He demonstrated him his skills. They were tested by Stalin when the Messing had to do very unusual and almost imposible deeds for normals.
One of his achivement was to taken out from Gosbank in Moscow 100.000 rubli without having any account there, only to show white paper to the office men. It was observed by his escort (of course he returned after this test this stolen money).
Second task was to leaved the Kreml agains the gouards berriers. They were informed not to let him go. He eaisly come across this Stalin Guards (an got out outside Kreml)!
In 3 years living in Soviets he had “earned” quiet a lot of money. He was used by Stalin to “secret mission”. He got from the Stalin special permission to travel for the whole Soviet Union without any problems! During the war he founded 2 fighters (I do not know where was send the second one).
Written thanks/confirmation for his gifts he put in frame and hang on the wall of his flat. He was very proud of it.
He lived in Russia up to 8 XI 1974, when he died on hart attack. His burial was in Soviet Union nearly the same scale as burial most prominent person from Soviet Union establishmnet/regimes figures.
His father and brather were mourederd by German as a Jew in Maydanek camp during the war.
I do not know if he had any academic degree (professor), Stalin in Soviet Union decided who could be or not a professor, so in Russia he could carry such a title.
Mirek W
Very Acid Anty-communist
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