Îò Mirek Wawrzynski Îòâåòèòü íà ñîîáùåíèå
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Äàòà 09.07.2004 12:30:19 Íàéòè â äåðåâå
Ðóáðèêè Ëþäè è àâèàöèÿ; Ñàéò `airforce.ru`; Ìîäåëèçì; Âåðñèÿ äëÿ ïå÷àòè

VVS RKKA versus “UFO” before 22 VI 1941?

VVS RKKA versus “UFO” before 22 VI 1941?

9 VII 04

This time it is not about “the 8-th Alien Passengers of Nastromo” or something similar like “File X – the true is out there”. The case is more probably on the Earth and also interesting having also own secrets.

May one could add some info / correction about VVS activities against unknown spy invaders (“UFO”)?

May you do not know but before 22 VI 1941 over Soviet territory took place quite big reccon war. Soviets observation spots had observed about 500 intrusions on Soviet air space (UFO intrusions) before 22 VI 1941 (1939-41). The most of them - 324 cases was registered in 1941 (1.01. - 21.06).

In spite of observation there were several times direct contact with such spying “UFO”. There were no any “UFOs” in fact but mostly reccon German or other nation planes.
They did many flights even deep into Soviet territory (the began for German unofficial air spying war started on 21 IX 1940, when the German General Staff had given an order to unofficial reccon spy flights over Soviet territory to Versuchstelle fur Hohenfluge (Sonderkommando Rowehl, Aufkl.Gr/Ob.d.L.). The crews had used Ju 86P, Ju 88, Do125, He 111 ect. Beside Sonderkommando Rowehl were also used other German crews (in passengers planes, from other reccon units, sport planes).
Besides Germans such missions were done also by Finnish, Rumanian and even by British spy planes (in 1940 over Kaukas oil filed).

The Soviet VVS RKKA took the countermeasures against this spying “UFO’s”.

I wonder if you could add new data concerning air combats between Luftwaffe (or German civil passengers planes from Lufthansa) and Soviet air forces (VVS RKKA).

Fighting the “UFOs”

Before 22 VI 1941 there were several air duels when Soviets shot down or forced landed to land on the Soviet territory a few German planes.

a) 15. IV.41 near Równo a Polish territory occupied by Soviets (in Kiev Special Military District), a Ju 86P was shot down by 3xI-16 of 46. IAP.
b) A Ju 88 force landed (maybe shot down) near Vinnitza (probably shot down by straszyj lejtnant Aleksiejew) – other sources say – bed weather. No any date of this case?
c) The Ju 88B of 1.(F)/124, damaged on 18 VI 1941 by Soviet fighter of VVS North Fleet (72. SAP) over Murmansk. Plane returned with one dead man (Uffz. Josefa Hausenblae) killed during the exchange fire.
d) A Ju 88 was shot down over Libava (Latvian harbour occupied by Soviets) probably by a fighter form 148. IAP (could be I-153). The shot down plane, according the Soviet side, fallen directly into Baltic.
f) A Me 110 (?) force landed/shot down over Kiev SMD.
g) A He 111 destroyed by the own crew near Baranowitze (a Polish town occupied by Soviets in 1941 - Western Special MD).

Force landing with direct or nor direct kindly support of Soviet fighters

a) Training Do 17 E-1 landed on 20 III 41 on Bielsk airfield on Western SMD
b) Training Do 17E-3 forced landed on 21 III 41 (near Ciechanowiec) - lost orientation according the crew, returned to the Germans
c) “C-47” (I know wrong name this is military transport plane right should be DC-2, or DC 3) from Lufthansa force landed by a zwieono from 43. IAD on Orsza airfield on May/June 1941. In Soviet memories (Zaharov Ja istrebitel) it is given its mark for C-47 (so it could be civil DC-3 or DC-2)
d) A trainer biplane force landed on Bialystok airfield in June 1941 (Polish city occupied by Soviets) by a zwieno of 41. IAP from 9. SAD.

Duels over Rumania-Soviet border
One such a case of “duel” between Rumanian fighter an Soviet fighter. The fighter form 67. IAP recorded a shot down a Rumanian “Hurricane” on 18 or 25 May 1945 (not confirmed with ARR records). Soviet pilot was arrested (?) for this shooting.

Over Finland - Soviet border.
There were no duels over Finnish-Soviet borders. Finns had made several reccon flights over Leningrad Military District in 1941, if right remember by LeLv 42 on Blenheims (they had got from the Germany a photo cameras to this goals).

Mirek W