Отзыв Эрика Пилавски о первом томе Black Cross/Red Star и не только
Взято с форума 12 O'Clock High
...BC+RS is certainly a first in ENGLISH. To depict some of the details of the Soviet pilots is rather
needed. I stress 'English', because in fact there is a lot of very excellent literature on this topic in
Russian; alas, very few persons outside of Russia ever see it.
However, that said, it is my own view that BC+RS is extremely pro-German, and quite biased. I am fascinated how many readers state that the books make them regard the Soviet pilots better than previously.
I personally have to think that this is true only because the current stereotype of Soviet pilots (soldiers, etc) is so horrific, that anything short of organised cannibalism would be an improvement. It really is that bad. Look to Enemy at the Gates for an example of how unbelievably crap this situation is.
When I was asked by Classic to review the first BC+RS title in-house, I stopped my critique at page
53, because I had already noted about 400 specific factual and interpretive complaints within the text.
There was no need to carry on, and of course that review will never be seen!
Basically, I read the same old tired stereotypes in BC+RS as before: "German superhuman pilots of skill
and daring smashing sub-human cattle with magnificent machines and tactics"... PLEASE. I cannot imagine any
statement further from the truth. I think they have dressed it up much better than before, of course, but
that is the impression I take away from the book without doubt.
For myself, I will continue with my efforts to get the best Russian language material on this matter
translated into English. Also, we will all be waiting most eagerly for M. Sultanov's pending work on German
WW2 aircraft claims on the Russian Front. This outstanding tome will forever demolish the racially
motivated 'superhuman' claims told for far too long. "352 victories", eh?.. Yeah, right. Try "about 25, if
you feel generous...."
The Luftwaffe enthusiasts will all scream, methinks...
1. Снимаю шляпу - слова AR по поводу лояльности Эрика к русским подтвредились.
2. Что - действительно первый том содержит такое большое кол-во ошибок?
3. Кто такой М.Султанов? И что за книгу он пишет?