24 августа 43 - в 1й миссии - 5 киллов, во второй - 3 килла
11 октября - 7 самолетов за 7 минут
6 ноября - понятно 13 самолетов за 17 минут
28 октября 1944 - сначала 9 илов за 10 минут, после полудня еще 2!
Всего из своих 222 - Ил2 58 штук.
Once on the Eastern Front, Rudorffer's big days again. On August 24, 1943 he shot down 5 Russian aircraft on the first mission of the day and followed that up with three more victories on the second mission. He scored seven victories in seven minutes on October 11, but his finest achievement occurred on November 6 when in the course of 17 minutes, thirteen Russian aircraft fell to his guns! Only Emil 'Bully' Lang, another Grunherzflieger, and Hans-Joachim Marseille rival Rudorffer's mastery at multiple scoring.
Rudorffer became known to Russian pilots as the 'fighter of Libau'. Returning from a sortie on October 28, 1944 and about to land, he spotted a huge formation of Il-2 'Sturmoviks'. He quickly aborted the landing and moved to engage the armada. In less than ten minutes, nine of the heavily armored Russian planes were shot down causing the rest to flee in panic. In anti-climatic fashion, he shot down a further two Russians in an afternoon sortie