От Mirek Wawrzynski
К All
Дата 16.10.2004 18:35:47
Рубрики Люди и авиация; Сайт `airforce.ru`; Моделизм;

The Day of Armagedon - 22 VI 41

The Day of Armagedon - 22 VI 41

A few days ago (October 2004) was edited in Poland my story about “The Day of Armagedon - 22 VI 1941”. Smashing the Stalin’s Air Power.

The story (I part) is edited in Militaria i Fakty 4/2004. All text in Polish, no any English captions (only Polish readers).

This is long article (more then 131.000 signes). It is divided on two parts. The first has 10 A-4 pages + 13 photos, 7 tables. Second part will have probably the same size + colour drawing of Soviet planes.

I have written about one day of air war over Russia –the first one. This specific day Germans had smashed Stalins power including crashing the power of Red Air Force (about from 9.970 to 10.700 planes standing along the whole Soviet Western border).

Germans premptive attack had stoppted and saved Western Europe before Reds invasion on July 1941. Soviets would destroy, rope the whole Continent if Hitler would not stoppted them.

This is the following part of “Red Blizkireg in July 1941” see Militaria i Fakty 2/2004 (17 A-4 size about 30 photos, tables, 2 maps), edited about four months ago (June 2004).

There is interesting to present all factors which had lead to this memorable day (big victory for German and big catastorphy for Soviets) - crusial day.

Now I have written more about Geramn air reccon operation over Russia before 22 VI 1941 and Soviet countr-measures to break them. There were several cases of force landing on Soviet territory (or Polish territory under Soviet occupation), also there were several air “combats/clashes” between Germans and Soviets. The most famoues was this Ju 86 P shot down near Rovno by 3 I-16 of 46. IAP by leytnant Szolunov.
Quite much I have written about pruges among Reds Army Air Staff including unknow for many the second pruges, which had began in May 1941 and lasted up to the begining of 1942. This “red cleaning” were among high command and aviation industry staff of VVS RKKA. The next 200-300 people form aviation had perished in NKVD pruges.

There is written about the whole structure of VVS RKKA (including the amount of planes in the Soviet – all 24.488 military planes: combat and noncombat –218 combat ready air regiments of which 159 were focused along Western border).

Amount of VVS RKKA on 22 VI 04
Bombers 6.887 SB, DB-3, 3-F, TB-3, TB-7, Yer-2, Su-2
Reccon 1.934 SB, R-5, R-Zet, Jak-2, Jak-4, others
Fighters 9.881 I-16, I-15bis, I-153, MiG-1, 3, Jak-1, ŁaGG-3
Assoult 57 Ił-2
Others 5.729 Training, axuiliary, laisones
All 24.488

This not including civil aviation (Areoflot too). Total amount of planes in Soviets was about more then 32.000.

Next part of this story will be about the combat of 22 VI – air war.

Contents of the Day of Armagedon.
Enemy air/spy reccon over Soviets territory and Soviet countr-actions before 22 VI 1941
Pruges in VVS RKKA 1937-1941/42
Structure of VVS RKKA [DBA, VVS (frontal, army and co-operation corps units), VVS VMF]
Comparniosn of aviation power of both side
22 VI 1941 The Day of Armagedon
Air War over Northern Front
Air War over Northern-Western front
Air War over Western Front
Air War over South-Western Front
Summary of the first day of war (losses of both side).

All the best

Mirek Wawrzyński

От hunter019
К Mirek Wawrzynski (16.10.2004 18:35:47)
Дата 19.10.2004 07:41:12

А по-русски мона?

Привет всем
Понимаю Мирека, он просто патологически ненавидит советско-русское. Но это его большая проблема, хотя по-русски понимает
Остальным участникам форума - просьба давать руссий перевод аглицкого письма - для слабо знающих заграничную мову...

От Морской Подкотик
К Mirek Wawrzynski (16.10.2004 18:35:47)
Дата 18.10.2004 23:25:21

Re: The Day...

>Germans premptive attack had stoppted and saved Western Europe before Reds invasion on July <

No matter how evil Stalin was and what plans he might have had, I doubt that an article written by a person such as you, who thinks Hitler to be the savior of Western Europe would or should be taken seriously by any reasonable person.

От Hippo
К Mirek Wawrzynski (16.10.2004 18:35:47)
Дата 18.10.2004 19:14:19

Re: >You are wrong in your statment. +

>You are wrong in your statment.
It’s seemingly: «You are wrong in your statement.»
Editor-in-chief would like to know:
«But why «The Day of Armagedon»»? -
It is terrible.
Is not it?
May be as usual. Tell them tales: «Alternative Hypothesis: if ifs and ans were pots and pans…+ It’s joke . It seems to me = «Eсли бы да кабы» in Russian»
But may be You mean that 22 June 41 is only beginning Our (including Poland, of course) Victory in May 45.
But it is other case. One moment, little modification, and Code Name «The 1-st Day of Armagedon» is very promising and designing name.

Excuse my broken English.

Truly yours Hippo

Для вовсе не пишущих по-английски и пишущих лучше меня построчный перевод:

>В своем утврждении вы не правы.
По-видимому: «В своем утверждении вы не правы».
Главный редактор сказал бы «Но почему «День Армегедона»»? Это же ужасно, не так ли?
Может, как обычно, расскажешь им сказку: «Альтернативная версия: Не переводимая игра слов»= шутка типа «Если бы да кабы» по-русски.
Но возможно Вы имеете в виду, что 22 июня 41 начало нашей (конечно, включая Польшу) Победы в Мае 45-го.
Это другое дело. Минуточку, маленькое исправление, и Кодовое название «1-й День Армегедона» - многообещающе и перспективно.

Извиняйте за мой плохой английский.

С одной из форм уважения Hippo

От Yuri
К Mirek Wawrzynski (16.10.2004 18:35:47)
Дата 18.10.2004 18:30:39

Why don't you take a hike?

Apologies to admins and the crowd, but I'm very offensive.

>Germans premptive attack had stoppted and saved Western Europe before Reds invasion on July 1941. Soviets would destroy, rope the whole Continent if Hitler would not stoppted them.

You have the nerve to put this kind of remarks here on this forum? You also have the nerve to attack Hippo and all Russians (read people from former Soviet Union) by criticizing us, our culture, traditions? Is there a word for you, to name what you are?
Why don’t you just take a hike, a long one, from this forum?
I simply despise you. Yuck!

Yuri Ivanov

От Audrius
К Mirek Wawrzynski (16.10.2004 18:35:47)
Дата 18.10.2004 12:30:09

Re: The Day...

hello Mirek
is there any possibility to scan and post ( or by mail) your article, please?
It would be very interesting to read.
Thnx in advance!
BR Audrius

От Hippo
К Mirek Wawrzynski (16.10.2004 18:35:47)
Дата 16.10.2004 20:04:45

Re: This story for Polish readers, Only. They like fantasy terrible stories. Is (-)

От Mirek Wawrzynski
К Hippo (16.10.2004 20:04:45)
Дата 17.10.2004 12:36:47

You are very Smart, Inteligent, Cultural Russian, thx for comm.

Great thanks for the very deep and smart and short Russian comments, which present very inteligent and cultural person having indeed very deep knowledge about history of WW II especialy Barbarossa period.
Your great inteligence and wisdom + traditional Soviet/Russian culture about not yet reading text is so great that it let you to put so smart comments without seeing and reading the small part of the text. You are real master of critics not yet reading text but this is so specific for Soviet/Russian.
So thxs again for your warm comments, :-)


Mirek Wawrzynski

BTW, For you knowledge
In this text I have written only about air war and air related things, no political or similar things which presents idea of "Red Blizkireg in July 1941". It was written in the former text "Red Blizkireg".
You are wrong in your statment.

От Администрация (ZaReznik)
К Mirek Wawrzynski (17.10.2004 12:36:47)
Дата 18.10.2004 17:56:58

Dear Mirek!

If you need "read only" mode you can continue with your provocative postings.

If you would like to get some constructive comments/discussion I think that actual content of the mentioned article (or some parts) is more effective than briefly narration.

Best Regards,
Sincerely your Administration