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Дата 23.10.2004 13:19:29 Найти в дереве
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The Day of Armagedon some finnishing remarks

"The nice is not the true the true is not nice"

The Day of Armagedon some finnishing remarks

Thanks for some comments which have surfaced after my post a few days ago.
My goal was clear. Only to inform you that such a text was edited in Poland in Polish magazine Militaria i Fakty 4/2004 (you may buy/order it if you want cost in Poland 29 zlp+ shipment costs -, I do not send any e-mail copy of my text), and nothing more. No discution about this subject because it will start again the flame war on absolutly different matters (Soviet -Polish realtions).

As some of you well know me, I can read Russian or English or German or Polish but I do not write in Russia. So I am writing in English or can do it in Polish but the Polish fonts are not redable by your systems.

Disscution with some person which I call as a Soviet-ruski men is wast of our time. Quite many on this forum (70-90% according my estimation) still very strong belive that Stalinism (Lenin, Trocki, Dzerzynski, Stalin, Jagoda, Yezov, Beria, Molotow Kaganowicz, Chruszczow, Brezniew, Andorpow ect) and the whole Soviet-ruski system (1917-1991) was one of the greatest and happienes period in whole Russia history, great progress and made great impact of huge improving the standard of very poor Ruskie ludzie life. For such a guys this is one of the great Russian pride and holy glory in XX ceuntry.

This is your point of view I have 100% different opinion. Hitler compard with Stalin was realy nice kid, anyway it was a criminal.
Soviet-ruskie ludzie had made quite many nasty similar genocidy as the German had made horrible crime against human beings. There are for me and many more Poles no discintion between Soviet-ruskie or German genocidy made agains Poles 1939-1945 and only made by Soviet Ruskie ludzie after 1945 till 1956 in Poland.
I can eaisly can proff it on real datas, figures, names ect This is not a place and time.
So as you see there are not space for any discution with Soviet-ruskie ludie you still strong belive you have save Poland, Poles ect from Gereman genocidy, not thanks, you were the same as the Germans and in some times and areas much more worse then Germans.

For one of you when he said how can I dare to say that Hitler did save Western Europe, to be celar.

I do not say that Hitler had saved Central Europe (where Poles, Baltic States, Hungary, Czechoslo0ak, Hungary states belonged before IX 1939). I said that Hitler had saved Western Euripe before Red terror and invasion (Germany, France, Holland ect.), not Poland and the rest Central Europe Countries. This is differwent.
Many proofs of red barbarians we had meet under Soviet/Ruskie occupation of Poland on our skins since 17 IX 1939 to VI 1941, during the war and many years after. This is next not pleasure fact for you - Soviet ruskie ludzie.
The ture is not nice, you do not want to know it, this is your problem.
You can mordered people but you can kill the true.

As Pole I have not intention to gloryfie Hitelr and his thight firend Stalin and Soviet ruskie who divided Central Europe on 23 VIII 1939. This also means that Soviet -Russain was also agressors against Poles Baltic States, Rumania, Finland. This is history, fact, and true and you (Soviet Russian ludzie) never escape form this isses..

Mirek Wawrzyński
At last
I do not written in this text (the Day of Armagedon about "Red Blizkieg", I did it on IX 2004) this is only text about air operation before 22 VI 1941 and also about only - 22 VI in air war.
The second part will have 16 pages of A-4 size (8 colour drawings of Soviet plane like I-153, I-16, I15bis), and will show the story about 22 VI 1941. Maybe it will be in the shops at the end of November 2004.
."The Day of Armagedon, prevent of Red Blizkireg" only means the end of Soviet/Stalin plans to invade Europe in July 1941. Only this, no finnish in Berlin.