There are some problem if one wants to set up the credible figure concerning figures of VVS aviation on 22 VI 1941 on 5 Western Militaru District (along the Western border). I think about all planes servicable and unservicable not only flying machine.
The most popular figure is 9917 (this including Frontal + Army aviation 7.133 + VVS VMF - 3 main fleets - 1445+ DBA GK aviation - 1339).
Other data given a litte more planes on 22 VI 41 - 10.580
I also have found higher figure - 10.743.
On this above figures there are no U-2 planes (which Soviets did not count as a “combat planes”)
On 22 VI 41 all VVS Red Army had 24.488 planes (it is all also including trainers, transport ect.).
Can someone help to explain this differences in this general data concerning Soviet avaition before 22 VI 41?
Mirek Wawrzyński
а смыслу? - karlenko30.07.2004 08:39:01 (104, 662 b)