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К Rutil28 Ответить по почте
Дата 28.09.2009 20:38:08 Найти в дереве
Рубрики 1936-1945 гг.; Версия для печати

How many planes in Zavod 21 "Seriya"???

Thanks for the explanations.
Also thanks for the English translation. I can understand Russian, so you may write in Russian only.

>Это выглядит как шильдик с одного из агрегатов. Мне кажется это не номер планера.

This does make sense. "Zavodskie nomer" is clearly missing.
Could letter "Л" mean "Left" - like "Left wing" or "left lending gear strut"?

>>Can anybody confirm that no 124 is 124th I-16 Type 10?
>Не я.

This is to bad. It fits so nicely with the date 29 3 1938г.
And Seriya 354 fits almost perfectly with 3500 planes made by 29 March 1938.

Again my question from yesterday:
How many I-16 in pre-war Zavod 21 "Seriya"?

And one similar:
How many LaGG-3 in Zavod 21 "Seriya"?

Thanks in advance,