От Ibuki
К И. Кошкин
Дата 26.03.2018 18:11:19
Рубрики Современность; Локальные конфликты; Евреи и Израиль; Искусство и творчество;

Беспилотный роботизированный вариант танка Т-14 «Армата»

>и русскими беспилотными танками.
Что не так?
>The Russian military marvel of ingenuity, the T–14 tank based on an Armata armored platform, was from the outset designed to become a remote-controlled land-drone capable of confronting any challenges posed by the 21st century, manufacturers say.
>“Quite possibly, future wars will be waged without human involvement, that is why we have made provisions for possible robotization of Armata,” deputy director general of UralVagonZavod manufacturer, Vyacheslav Khalitov, told Technowars.