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К А.Никольский Ответить по почте
Дата 04.11.2018 22:28:13 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Спецслужбы; Версия для печати

Более того - когда не было интернета, не было массовых "сливов", типа Сноудена

The mole hunt wasn’t hard, in large part, because the communications system the CIA was using to communicate with agents was flawed. Former U.S. officials said the internet-based platform, which was first used in war zones in the Middle East, was not built to withstand the sophisticated counterintelligence efforts of a state actor like China or Iran. “It was never meant to be used long term for people to talk to sources,” said one former official. “The issue was that it was working well for too long, with too many people. But it was an elementary system.”

"Это была элементарная система, которая работала хорошо слишком долго, со слишком большим количеством людей".

Обычный организационный провал. По той же причине инфосистемы "со шпионским камнями" проваливались сотни раз.

Ну а что, оно же простое и работает - есть соблазн использовать ещё раз и ещё раз, пока, банально, использование системы, которую, скорее всего изначально создавали под одну конкретную операцию, не становится вообще неконтролируемым, так как маштабировать интренет-систему намного проще, чем систему с камнями.

А дальше рассказ про "отрицательный отбор" в системе управления :)

Как человека, предупреждавшего за несколько лет до начала проблем, что оно всё вот так и будет, уволили:

In 2008 — well before the Iranians had arrested any agents — a defense contractor named John Reidy, whose job it was to identify, contact and manage human sources for the CIA in Iran, had already sounded an alarm about a “massive intelligence failure” having to do with “communications” with sources. According to Reidy’s publicly available but heavily redacted whistleblower disclosure, by 2010 he said he was told that the “nightmare scenario” he had warned about regarding the secret communications platform had, in fact, occurred.

Reidy refused to discuss his case with Yahoo News. But two former government officials directly familiar with his disclosure and the investigation into the compromises in China and Iran tell Yahoo News that Reidy had identified the weaknesses — and early compromise — that eventually befell the entire covert communications platform.
Reidy’s case was complicated. After he blew the whistle, he was moved off of his subcontract with SAIC, a Virginia company that works on government information technology products and support. According to the public disclosure, he contacted the CIA inspector general and congressional investigators about his employment status but was met with resistance, partially because whistleblower protections are complicated for federal contractors, and he remained employed.

Meanwhile, throughout 2010 and 2011, the compromise continued to spread, and Reidy provided details to investigators. But by November 2011, Reidy was fired because of what his superiors said were conflicts of interest, as Reidy maintained his own side business. Reidy believed the real reason was retaliation.

Ничего нового, вообщем, в этом мире.

Даже эффективная система, имеющая достаточные ресурсы, типа ЦРУ, лишенная адекватного противника, деградирует и скатывается к минимально достаточным для функционирования в новых условиях методам.

вишенкой на торте - во всём виноват Google:

In fact, the Iranians used Google to identify the website the CIA was using to communicate with agents. Because Google is continuously scraping the internet for information about all the world’s websites, it can function as a tremendous investigative tool — even for counter-espionage purposes. And Google’s search functions allow users to employ advanced operators — like “AND,” “OR,” and other, much more sophisticated ones — that weed out and isolate websites and online data with extreme specificity.

Ужасный "продвинутый поиск" в Google позволяет врагам США разоблачать агентов ЦРУ :)