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Дата 24.07.2016 18:22:46 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Память; Версия для печати

Комиссия Дешене

Оригинал доклада по результатам этой Комиссии тут:
http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/873-e.htm#A. The War-t

В докладе самой Комиссии написано:

"The question of whether or not the Commission should travel to the Soviet Union and other Iron Curtain countries to take evidence caused a bitter controversy throughout the late summer and early fall of 1985. Baltic and Ukrainian groups were completely opposed because, they argued, Soviet-supplied evidence could not be trusted and would be used to attack any individual or ethnic group opposed to the Soviet state. Representatives of Jewish groups argued that there was important evidence in the Soviet Union, both eyewitness and documentary, and that there was no known instance in Europe or North America of the Soviets having provided a false document or a witness who committed perjury.

In a formal written decision of 14 November 1985, Justice Deschênes decided that, while he himself should not take part in the hearing of evidence abroad, there was no reason why evidence should not be sought and heard, even in Eastern Bloc countries. But he set strict conditions that would have to be met by host countries:

i) protection of reputations through confidentiality;

ii) independent interpreters;

iii) access to original documents;

iv) access to witnesses’ previous statements;

v) freedom of examination of witnesses in agreement with Canadian rules of evidence; and

vi) videotaping of such examinations.

However, a satisfactory response was not received from the Soviet Union until June 1986 and Justice Deschênes decided there was insufficient time left for the Commission to travel.

Что ответил СССР на этот запрос? Или не ответил ничего? Почему?

Откуда торчат уши вот этой вот украинской информации:


"Ее представители, по договоренности с правительством СССР, провели во Львове допросы свидетелей, что, по мнению советских служб, должно было подтвердить их требование к канадскому правительству выдать ряд лиц как военных преступников.

А по отчету Комиссии ни сам Дешене ни члены Комиссии в СССР не ездили вообще. И в Львов в частности.

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