От Skvortsov Ответить на сообщение
К Kosta
Дата 01.06.2020 18:42:31 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Версия для печати

Re: Вопрос

>>То есть наилучший вариант :"to make the best of things, to accept Stalin in the war against the Nazis".
>Эта туманная фраза не объясняет сути дела: а как он роль самой Англии (и Франции) видел "in the war against the Nazis"? Если видел вообще.

Britain surely played an indispensable role in bringing down Hitler and liberating Western Europe, but it was a supporting role. It was the Red Army that tore the guts out of the Werhrmacht. D-Day in France did not come until three years after Hitler’s invasion of Russia. As Norman Davies writes,

Proportions . . . are crucial. Since 75%–80% of all German losses were inflicted on the eastern front it follows that the efforts of the western allies accounted for only 20%–25%. Furthermore, since the British army deployed no more than 28 divisions as compared with the American army’s 99, the British contribution to victory must have been in the region of 5%–6%. Britons who imagine that “we won the war” need to think again.