От Skvortsov Ответить на сообщение
К Kosta
Дата 01.06.2020 18:33:22 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Версия для печати

Re: Вопрос

>>Достаточно было АиФ отозвать гарантию Польше, и весь хитрый план с закючением ПМР рухнул бы.
>>Пришлось бы воевать с Гитлером один на один.
>А Бьюкенен рассматривает заключение договора АиФ с СССР в 1939-м (пользуясь тем, что в случае непредоставления Польше гарантий такой договор Сталину нужнее, чем Даладье и Чемберлену) - как хорощую альтернативу? Или вообще об этмо не говорит?

Он цитирует Хиллгрубера:

Hitler believed the two-front war had been a historic blunder that must never be repeated.
Again, Hillgruber:
Together with his prewar Vienna period and postwar Munich years, the war provided . . . Hitler with his formative experiences. It made him recognize the impossibility of a German victory in a war where Germany was pitted against both the continental power, Russia, and the British Empire, let alone the two Anglo-Saxon sea powers. His memory was alive with the hopelessness of Germany’s predicament surrounded by enemies in a Central European bastion . . . in a world war in which the superior economic and armaments potential of the hostile coalition would ultimately tell."

Ставит под сомнение вообще готовность Гитлера к войне с большой коалицией.

Second, Hitler knew the longer a war went on, the weaker Germany became relative to her potential enemies. While Germany’s population of seventy million—eighty million after Anschluss and absorption of the Sudeten Germans—was approaching that of Britain and France combined, it was dwarfed by the 458 million in the British Empire, the 197 million of a Soviet Union that stretched across a dozen time zones, and the 140 million Americans, whose productive power exceeded that of Britain, France, and Germany combined.

И он цитирует Роберта Нисбета:

When Hitler turned on Stalin, his accomplice in the rape of Poland, Churchill welcomed Stalin into the camp of the saints, writes conservative scholar Robert Nisbet,
“in words that might have been addressed to a Pericles or George Washington”:

Before the whole world Churchill greeted the Soviets as fellow freedom fighters protecting their own liberties and democracy. Reading it today, one becomes slightly nauseated by Churchill’s words. . . .
It was one thing to make the best of things, to accept and even help Stalin in the war against the Nazis...
It was something else and hardly necessary, given Stalin’s then desperate straits, to lavish gratitude upon the cruel, terror-minded despot, who, after all, had helped ignite World War II against the West."

То есть наилучший вариант :"to make the best of things, to accept Stalin in the war against the Nazis".
Но Нисбету не нравились словословия Черчилля в адрес Сталина.