От Alex Medvedev Ответить на сообщение
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Дата 30.05.2020 14:27:38 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Современность; Версия для печати

Это очередная ваша ложь. Вы ее обрезали, самый сок мозга вырезали у автоа

The world over, Communists professed to be sickened by the Hitler-Stalin pact. How could the world leader of international Communism crawl into bed with the Nazi monster? But Stalin would have been a fool not to take Hitler's offer. His pact with Hitler al-lowed him to occupy and bolshevize six Christian nations and gave the Red Army two years to prepare for the coining war with Ger-many. Writes Hillgruber,
Stalin's decision of August 1939... put the Soviet Union in the most favorable position it had enjoyed since its creation in 1917. In place of the conception of "capitalist encir-clement" that had dominated its policy, there emerged an appreciation of its position as a great power, respected and indeed wooed by all of the participants in the war, its j)oliti-cal weight waxing as the war continued and absorbed the en-ergies of the combatant nations.°
Had Britain never given the war guarantee, the Soviet Union would almost surely have borne the brunt of the blow that fell on France. The Red Army, ravaged by Stalin's purge of senior officers, might have collapsed. Bolshevism might have been crushed. Com-munism might have perished in 1940, instead of living on for fifty years and murdering tens of millions more in Russia, China, Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba. A Hitler-Stalin war might have been the only war in Europe in the 1940s. Tens of millions might never have died terrible deaths in the greatest war in all history.


А теперь смотрим
Посылка 1: Победа Гитлера = смерть десятков если не сотю миллионов русских
Посылка 2: Автор пишет, что оккупация СССР предотвратила бы гибель десяти миллионов человек
Единственный логический вывод отсюда = русские по мнению автора не люди.
Тогда кто у него люди? Ась?