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Дата 12.11.2019 21:05:37 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Локальные конфликты; Версия для печати

Оверклеймы в Югославии

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url= http://stanford.edu/class/polisci211z/3.2/Stigler%2520IS%25202002.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj4w56QmOXlAhXjkIsKHZ34A_YQFjAEegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw2TmxLbenehJUqxHF-BqGzY

Страница 6

Сразу после войны заявили 120 уничтоженных танков, 220 БТР и 450 артиллерийских орудий.
Позднее нашли свидетельства уничтожения 14 танков, 12 САУ, 18 БТР и 20 артиллерийских орудий. Что почти совпадает с официальными сербскими данными.

Разница почти в 10 раз. После этого "делить на πи" выглядит не так уж плохо.

>Nato’s limited damage to the yugoslav military
>Despite its sustained bombing campaign, NATO did little damage to the Serbs´ ability to control Kosovo.26 In July 1999, about a month after Miloševiæ ´s surrender, General Clark led a group, code-named the Munitions Effectiveness Assessment Team (MEAT), to ascertain the success of the air campaign against Serb military targets. The survey revealed that NATO had not destroyed nearly as much equipment as it had claimed. Shortly after the war, the alliance declared that it had destroyed 120 tanks, 220 armored personnel carriers (APCs), and as many as 450 artillery pieces.27 In contrast, the MEAT survey found evidence of successful strikes against only 14 tanks, 12 self-propelled guns, 18 APCs, and 20 artillery pieces.28 Such modest losses would not have hindered the Serbs´ ability to field forces. Moreover, Miloševic´s claim to have lost only 576 soldiers and policemen was probably not too far off from the true figure.29