От Skvortsov Ответить на сообщение
К Пауль
Дата 27.06.2019 13:55:38 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Загадки; Версия для печати

Re: Не вижу...

>>Сэр Бэзил, с его легкостью необыкновенной - идеальный пример влияния броской идеи на практическую политику.
>Влияние его идей на политику я вижу только в одном примере - Чемберлен в 30-е годы. Больше не нахожу.

Liddell Hart and the Indirect Approach

Alex Danchev

THE Indirect Approach was Basil Liddell Hart's opening bid for the
supremes. It became his signature tune. Together with its close
cousin, or evil twin, the British Way in Warfare (a parallel gestation) it
signalled a new phase of his grapple with the conjectural art of butchering one's neighbour.
Announced in 1927, first developed in book form in 1929 (mistitled The Decisive Wars of History), supplemented by a compendium flagging the British Way in 1932, it was four times further elaborated by its restless author, in 1941, 1946, 1954, and 1967.
Sales, initially unremarkable, mushroomed gratifyingly with every new edition. The 1954 sold over 50,000, the 1967 over 100,000 in hardback in the United States alone. Used as a vade-mecum by various statespersons (Brandt and Nehru), numberless strategists (armchair and armipotent), and the militarily curious of many lands-a Chinese edition came out in 1994-it continues to live an active and inspirational life to this day, not least in the "manoeuvrist approach" of official British defence doctrine.3

3. Stephen Romer, "Brandt on the Brink," New Statesman, 5 May 1972; Jawaharlal Nehru, The Discovery of India (Bombay: Asia, 1961), 447-49; John Kiszely,"The British Army and Approaches to Manoeuvre Warfare," Journal of Strategic Studies 19 (1996): 179-206.