От badger
К Чайник
Дата 17.02.2011 21:02:32
Рубрики WWII; Танки; ВВС;

Re: ? по...

>2)Полагались ли японским истребителям радиостанции или р/приемники? Спасибо.

Interviewer: Did you ever use radio when you flying in combat?

Saburo Sakai: The radio was useless. We knew a week before the opening of the war that it was useless. It just made bunch of noise - if there was a worst piece of equipment in the Japanese Navy, it was the radio for the fighter planes. You couldn't hear anything at all. Close to the opening of the war, we pilots realized the radio was heavy and useless so I removed mine to save weight, as well as the wooden antenna pole. I cut that off. My commander, a very difficult man, saw this and yelled, "What did you do with this airplane?" I told him, "I need to make my airplane lighter to fly to Manila. It's much better." He replied, "Please, take mine out too!"


Сабуро Сакаи о пользе от радиостанций на японских истребителях и что они с ними делали...